Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Reason to visit
The main historical problem with international trade has been the correlated destruction of the environment. This is especially true when it comes to the issue of deforestation. In Madagascar, people have been cutting down the forests for decades. Throughout the past century, much of the rainforests of Madagascar have disappeared. People have begun moving out of the cities, industries have started to expand, and the use of land for farming (particularly coffee) has dramatically increased. All of these phenomenon have led to the destruction of the forest of Madagascar. This has become a major issue, not only because of the value that the forest have on the living environment on earth, but also because of Madagascar's unusual and rare species. Biologically, Madagascar is one of the richest areas on earth. Approximately five percent of the world's species reside in Madagascar, and the island has 8,0000 endemic species of flowering plants alone (New Scientist, 1990). However, this rare jewel of earth is in grave danger. Rapid deforestation, caused predominantly by the large population boom of the developing country, economic downturn, and mass migration to cities, is destroying much of the natural habitat of Madagascar.


Madagascar is an island located in the western Indian Ocean. Madagascar lies about 425 km (266 miles) off the east coast of Southern Africa. Specifically, Madagascar is located east of Mozambique, across the Mozambique Channel. The geographic coordinates of Madagascar are 20 00 S, 47 00 E. 

Madagascar's land area is about 581,540 sq km (224,533 square miles) or slightly less than twice the size of Arizona. Madagascar has 4,828 km of coastline. 
Madagascar is the world's fourth largest island. Its most prominent feature would have to be the steep mountain range paralleling the entire eastern coast.

Ways to get there

Air: Cortez Travel can handle all of your travel arrangements - flights to Madagascar are available and prices are comparable for any of the following routings, and specials are offered year-round:
  • Via Paris: most direct routing from all U.S. and Canadian departure cities; no charge for stopover in Paris in either direction.
  • Via Johannesburg: may require an overnight in Johannesburg and generally recommended only when making arrangements for additional travel within South Africa.
  • Via Bangkok or Singapore: recommended only for those traveling from the West Coast (and going through Singapore would require at least two changes of plane en route).
  • Additional routings to include Mauritius or Reunion are possible and will be quoted upon request.
As a courtesy for trip planning purposes, we provide airline flight schedules for international flights to and from Madagascar, and for regional flight sand domestic flights in and around Madagascar.

Things to do

The things to do in Madagascar can be found nowhere else in the world.  There are animals and plants that are endemic that can’t be found anywhere else in the world including the Lemur Monkeys and even see through chameleons to name a few.  There are still parts of Madagascar that haven’t been discovered yet which is very rare for any country in the world.  It is one of the poorest countries in the world but also one of the safest countries in Africa thanks to the unique Malagasy culture.
Explore the Beaches
In Madagascar, you will find beaches that are on the tourist trails and others that haven’t even been explored yet.  There is something for everyone whether you are looking for luxury or something more authentic.  The most popular beaches are in Diego,  Anakao, the areas surrounding Morondava, and the islands of Nosy Be, Sainte Marie, & Nosy Ve.
Avenue of the Baobabs, Avenue of the Baobabs Sunset, Avenue of the Baobabs Madagasacar
Avenue of the Baobabs in Madagascar
Avenue of the Baobabs
The unique Baobab trees can be found all around the country.  Just an hour away from Morondava there are a unique set trees lined along the road where you can get exceptional pictures at sunset.
The Big Tsingy Stone Forest in Madagascar
The main tourist attraction in Madagascar that I came to see is beyond impressive.  It’s not easy getting there as it takes 1 complete day via 4×4 on very rough terrain.  There are two parks, Big Tsingy (large park) and the Small Tsingy (small park).  You won’t regret it!
Explore the Wildlife
There aren’t many other places in the planet that can say they have countless flora & fauna not found anywhere in the world.  Throughout the entire island you can find the 70 different species of Lemurs and see through chameleons as mentioned above.
Madagascar & the islands surrounding the country have eight plant families, five bird families, and five primate families that live nowhere else on Earth.  The parks you want to see are Berenty, Andasibe-Mantadia, Ankarana Montagne d’Ambre, Kirindy, Ranomafana, and Masoala.
Rice Terraces in Madagascar
Rice Terraces in Madagascar countryside
The Capital of Antananarivo (Tana)
While the capital of Madagascar doesn’t boast the architectural prowess of capitals in Europe, the city is unique in its own right.  The market that winds up and down the staircases will astound you.  Don’t forget to see the Royal Hill of Ambohimanga, Marché Artisanale de La Digue, and the Lemurs Park that is found just outside the city.
Diving in Madagascar
With so much coastline and unique plants and animals, its no wonder that Madagascar has great diving opportunities.  I was able to get my advanced diving certificate on the south western coast of the island.  The diving hotspots are mainly in the Northern coast in the cities of Nosy Be & Diego.  You can also find good diving in Ifaty, Anakao, Morondava, and around the islands of Sainte Marie.
A fisherman in Madagascar, fisherman
Interact With The Locals
I have to say that while most cultures from around the world are unique, the Malagasy people take it to a whole new level.  You can see the diversity on their faces and they are some of the nicest and welcoming people you will meet.  Always extremely curious and willing to talk to you (if you speak Malagasy or French).  Make sure to buy pens, candys, or even notebooks for the kids, they will love it.
Whale Watching in Madagascar
You are able to see humpback whales throughout the entire year near the waters of Saint Marie on the eastern coast.  The best time to see the whales is between June to September but you are still able to see them year round.

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